My name is Sabine Ciccarelli, I am a PCC certified coach and I currently coach in both French and English
About me
Who am I ?
My name is Sabine Ciccarelli - I am a PCC certified coach (+500 Hours of coaching) and I currently coach in both French and English
My mission in life is to empower clients to become the best version of themselves. I challenge my clients to step up and take ownership by consistently following through on the commitments they make, so they can create outstanding momentum and create an extraordinary life.
The key to success is getting crystal clear on what you want. Alongside my client, we identify their goals and start closing the gap between where they are and where they want to be. You can be successful without feeling fulfilled and it is my own personal goal to help my clients reach a level of both success and fulfillment.
In my 20+ years of business and management experience, working with large corporations and start-up businesses, I have proven success driving teams and leading individuals. Specialties I bring to my business clients include coaching in the areas of leadership, strategic planning, business development and organizational change. In additional to my business specialty, I work with clients to improve all areas of life including health, relationships and personal development.
Fluent in four languages (French, Italian, Spanish and English), I can also relate well and develop strong relationships with clients from a variety of backgrounds and cultural experiences.
Reach heights
I created reach heights simply to support you, that is why we exist !
Reach heights is about climbing the journey of life…with peak and valleys, ultimately you will want to reach a new heights wherever it is physically, emotionally or spiritually.
Reach Heights is about success of course and uncovering more how you function, how you make decision, how you can remove the blocks that no longer serve you in your way.
If you want to change your life,
you must raise your standards.
Tony Robbins
About coaching
What is coaching really ?
is coaching for me ?
Coaching is not for everyone and here is why
Let me explain using this analogy you will easily understand – not all athletes have coaches, but all Olympian do ! This is a simple way to show you that here coaching is always available for those who really seek excellence, a new perspective and are willing to be coached to reach a new standard.
The truth about coaching
You don’t have to do it alone – there is the easy way or the hard way – most people choose to loose time, energy and indulge into a lot of suffering along the way. Meanwhile, some others choose to hire a coach and have a total new perspective, they set a new standard, they are accountable and therefore make steady progress – Now you choose which way you want to go, the easy way or the hard way !
What is specific about Reach Heights coaching ?
If you are ready to work with me, I am ready to take you to a new level – usually those who have high energy and are willing to set a new standard resonate well with my coaching – again, we will tailor your experience. It is not about changing you, it is about revealing even more who you are and what are you here in this life for.
How do we start from here ?
Very simple. Contact me to set a phone consultation of 20 mins – once this is done I will be able to identify the most effective coaching plan to work together – I am ready when you are.